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50 Free


(places will be in order)

1. Bach- 28.69

2. Mason- 28.96


3. Hahn- 29.66

4. Zhou- 31.28

5. Goldson- 32.76

50 Back


(places will be in order)

1. Bach- 32.83

2. Hahn- 33.87

3. Mason- 35.84

4. Zhou- 35.84

5. Goldson- 39.71

50 Breast


(places will be in order)

1. Bach- 37.51

2. Mason- 39.75

3. Ivy- 41.41

4. Hahn- 43.01

5. Zhou- 45.47

1. Mason- 31.07

2. Ivy- 34.75

3. Zhou- 37.27

50 Fly


(places will be in order)

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